APL Marine Terminal EIS/EIR

Under contract to the Port of Los Angeles, CDM Smith prepared the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Report (DEIS/DEIR) report for the APL Marine Terminal Project. MBC was responsible for preparing the water/sediment quality and biological resource sections of the DEIS/DEIR. The project included expansion of an existing marine terminal, including backlands improvements, dredging, and wharf construction, and increased future vessel calls. MBC also provided an assessment of the project potential to disrupt Essential Fish Habitat (EFH), and conducted a biological survey to determine the presence/absence of any sensitive species at the project site. The potential environmental effects from the proposed project and six alternatives were examined in detail, and mitigation measures and standard conditions of approval were evaluated as required. MBC and AMEC Earth and Environmental were responsible for conducting a Sediment Characterization Study to determine the suitability of dredged sediments for ocean disposal. Mitigation measures included: (1) Conduct of nesting bird surveys and avoidance measures, (2) Avoiding marine mammals during pile driving to reduce acoustic effects, and (3) Compliance with the Vessel Speed Reduction Program (VSRP) to reduce the potential for vessel collisions with marine mammals. The Final EIS/EIR was certified in June 2012.

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CDM Smith


Permitting / Documentation


Port of Los Angeles

Permitting / Documentation


Eastern San Pedro Bay Restoration Feasibility Study

MBC's biologists are providing technical support and expertise to evaluate opportunities for providing ecosystem restoration, increased recreational opportunities and other improvements offshore of the City of Long Beach within East San Pedro Bay.

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El Segundo Power Redevelopment Project

MBC was uniquely qualified to provide marine biological data and analyses since the company has monitored the environment offshore the El Segundo Generating Station for 30 years.

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Huntington Beach Desalination Facility Analysis

MBC assisted our client by providing an assessment of the existing conditions in the marine and wetland environments in the vicinity of a proposed desalination plant located adjacent to the AES Huntington Beach Generating Station.

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