Mission Bay Eelgrass Restoration

As part of the Mission Bay Shoreline Stabilization project, MBC met with San Diego Park and Recreation to determine the feasibility of removing certain shallow-water hazards in Mission Bay while minimizing environmental damage. We performed water quality studies during dredging to document turbidity and ensure that the eelgrass beds in the area were not adversely impacted by construction. We also monitored sensitive habitats, including California least tern nesting areas, to ensure they were not disturbed during construction. MBC and its partners mapped all of the affected eelgrass ( Zostera spp) beds and restored over 10 acres of eelgrass that was impacted by construction activities. MBC also conducted a five-year mitigation monitoring program to evaluate the health and growth of the eelgrass beds working closely with the City of San Diego, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, and the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board to ensure the success of the program.

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City of San Diego


Mitigation / Restoration


Mission Bay, CA

Mitigation / Restoration


Platform Gina Pipeline Environmental Assessment

MBC assessed the environmental impacts of Unocal's planned replacement of sections of an offshore pipeline between Platform Gina and the onshore oil separator facility at Mandalay Beach (Ventura County).

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Convair Lagoon Eelgrass and Kelp Restoration

MBC assisted a client in San Diego with implementation of the Convair Lagoon eelgrass mitigation plan.

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Newport Bay Mitigation Project

MBC conducted an eelgrass transplant to offset adverse impacts to eelgrass habitats as a result of construction and dredging.

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